Friday, October 03, 2008

Did nothing change?

I watched the vice presidential "debate" last night online after I got home from class.

Are. You. Kidding. Me?

What a pathetic excuse for anything. They should have just had them record 10 minute commercials with easily accessible sound bites. The whole thing came off pathetically rehearsed, woefully short on actual information, actual plans or positions on issues were mostly absent beyond soundbite moralizing. Example, the war in Iraq (anyone actually remember we're at war?)

Biden's words:

"Barack Obama offered a clear plan. Shift responsibility to Iraqis over the next 16 months. Draw down our combat troops,"

This is vague, broad, general, and basically... a piss poor excuse for a "plan". I feel hesitant to call it a plan, until you contrast it with the other party in the debate.

That would be Sarah Palin, who, when asked to outline her ticket's plan for Iraq said:

"I know that the other ticket opposed this surge, in fact, even opposed funding for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Barack Obama voted against funding troops there after promising that he would not do so,"

This is, basically, no plan at all, choosing instead to attack your opponent's record. If you go to, you'll see that this attack was even innacurate and misleading, Obama opposed one funding bill in support of different funding bill for the millitary. McCain, by the way, opposed that funding bill, so by the same definitions and reasoning, McCain has also voted against funding our troops.

So that's the election in a nutshell, folks. Questionable ideas versus no ideas at all. And once again we're reduced to choosing the evil of two lessers. I get why people choose their candidates. I even get why the candidates themselves spew that crap: we let them. Actually stating a definitive position on an issue makes you vulnerable to attack. I just don't understand why we put up with this crap and drivel. It's insulting to anyone with an IQ over 70. It's insulting to call yourself a "maverick" when you've voted in step with the administration of the last 8 years. It's insulting to repeatedly make promises of change with little to no actual statements of how you're going to change it.

I can't respect you, John McCain, you used to have some guts, now the same sad sacks who ran Bush appear to be running you. You're saying the exact same things he's been saying for 8 years, and I'm supposed to believe when you say that you'll be different? How stupid do you think I am?

I have a hard time respecting you, Barack Obama, because while you are saying things I can believe in, belief doesn't run a government. Policy does. Vague generalized statements don't bring change, plans do. Organized intelligent plans with capable leadership bring change. Obviously I like you and I guess you've got my vote, but I have doubts you can actually do anything you're saying. But at this point I think anything other than 4 more years of the same crap we've had for the last 8 would be better.

So yeah, I get it. You like your babies unaborted, want your guns, and think that wearing a flag pin and "supporting the troops" means you have to vote Republican. Or you think that any big business is out to exploit and harm the poor, or that it's the government's job to right any ill in our society, or you think that illegal immigrants are just oppressed people who are only here to work and find the American dream and that all means that you have to vote Democrat. Go for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how do you really feel?