Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Noooo, it's not your time yet!

So my computer decided to squat down, crap it's proverbial guts all over my desk, and expire. Fortunately I have recently bought an ipod, so I had all of my music backed up. This freed me into going for the more drastic solution. So today I jacked the ol girl on up. Some pokin, prodding, a complete format and reinstall later, and things seem to be healthy and back to normal. Nothing like ripping it apart and building it back up again to sort things out with a computer.

On another note, I finished the new Harry Potter pook yesterday... good times.

On a final note, I have gotten a lot of mail and messages asking if I was one of the people who had hooked up in my last post. Answer: no.. but yes. I hooked up back in May... and things have progressed completely wonderfully. I'm happier beyond words to have real love back in my life with someone who cares about me for me, not the attention I give her, and is interesting in understanding the real me.


Jason and Emily said...

Notes on your "notes":

1. you're a handy one to have around.

2. um. whoa that was fast.

3. Again I ask, has anyone else hooked up that I don't know about yet? And shall I bring my out of state water with me when I come to Portland?

Iron Chef Boyardee said...

I think...emphasis on THINK, that you've heard about most of it. On the other hand, maybe there's something I don't know about yet!?!? *raises eyebrow*