Monday, December 06, 2004

Progress Musically

We did finally end up going with "The 83" as our band name. Yes, there's only four of us. Hey, Ben Folds Five only had three guys, get off my back.

Last night "The 83" played our ward's Christmas party. It wasn't that big a deal, but it was 300 people who at least didn't throw their catered dinners at us. I came away from it feeling sparked. We played well, played tight, and I felt good about my stage presence and energy. I was genuinely having fun up there and one or two people commented that they noticed it (unbidden, no less). We played two originals and a cover of 10k Maniacs "These Are Days". It looks like we may have two shows in January, so hopefully the ball will get rolling soon.

I don't have any hopes or ambitions for our band, I'm just so happy to be creating and making music again. Every one of those basslines I play is MINE. I wrote them, I polished them, I created them. And when I play them for people, simple though they may be, it's me I'm putting out there. Don't worry, I'm not offended if you don't like the songs, I'm just happy to have something that's an extension of me floating out in the air and into your ears. That's why I love making music. It's like speaking a beautiful language that can express things where words fall short.

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