Saturday, December 24, 2005

Life in Prison

Okay, maybe I'll be able to do a bit of catch up here.

The biggest reason I haven't been posting much lately is my new job. Like I've mentioned earlier, I work at a minimum security correctional facility. It's a whole different world. So not only am I getting used to a new job, a new schedule (I was working graveyards before), but it's really a whole different world. I've gotten used to the job and schedule part, but the culture is a fascinating and new experience every day. I also work pretty long hours so when I come home I pretty much just kiss the wife, eat some dinner, talk, and go to bed. I love my job so far... I get to use my education, feel like I'm making a difference, and have the satisfaction that comes with feeling like I do my job well.

So I figure the best thing for me to do will be to try and cover one little thing at a time. I'll knock one of those posts out tonight after dinner.

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