Monday, November 06, 2006

When we write things, in print, black and white, it makes things more real, like we're owning it or something. Emily has said things not unlike this several times, and as I'm sitting here looking at my seldomly updated blog as of late, I wonder... maybe lately I've been liking things to be less real? Reality is stressful, and I like to escape. That's why I like books, movies, video games... for just a little while I get to be someone else or at least somewhere else. Not that where or who I am is bad (NOT AT ALL!) but that... getting away is like a little vacation in my head.


Anonymous said...

Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. Something to think about.. The trick is to get to the point where your reality combats stress. Being at peace with oneself. A little diversion never hurt anyone, as long as it a little diversion. Happy upcoming anniversary, BTW.

Skye said...

It's True! I've often wondered what exactly is the difference between my creative periods and my non-creative periods. Sometimes I write up a storm on my guitar and other times I don't even want to touch it. It doesn't necessarily seem to be related to happiness vs. depression, or even business vs. boredom. Significant events in my life have no effect one way or the other. I just... sometimes feel like sharing, documenting, processing, experiencing, or something. And other times not.