Sunday, July 08, 2007

Spent elsewhere

Went on vacation, came back, working hard, sleeping more. When I started blogging, I promised myself that I would travelogue as little as possible. Indeed, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind all of my friends in Portland that I was indeed the first and originator of this whole blog thing in our circles mwa ha (though I got it from Zannah, to give due credit). At any rate, no travelogue. But also in my at home life I've been doing my best to leave work at work. Most of my musing and ruminating processes are centered around work now, or inspired by people I meet and relationships I have with clients. But somehow coming home to write about them doesn't seem like something I usually want to do. And so my blog has been notoriously silent. Muted. Part of me starts to feel bad about that, but then I remembered that I have been writing it for me and not you, so lay off!

I don't understand people under the age of 25 who are conservative... what is it you're being nostalgic about? You don't even remember Ronald Reagan, let alone enough to worship the guy. Sometimes on commercial breaks on SportsRadio 1080 I flip over to NeoCon news radio 750 where they have Bill O'Reiley and Lars Larson. It's good for a laugh. I don't remember the early to mid 1980's being this paradise that they do. Sure, Star Wars, Transformers, and Teddy Ruxpin ruled, but I don't get the desire to recreate it with my vote or legislation.


Stargirl said...

What if Teddy Ruxpin were to run for office? He's probably more honest than most other candidates, even though he doesn't have much of a personality.

Of course, he IS kind of a tool.

Jason and Emily said...

yes, I would like to give you full credit for being the one who started the Portland blogging family. So, thank you.

And just know that I check here frequently and you can't do anything about it, so there! And no way am I going to lay off, punk. So take that!

Write or don't write, feel bad about it or don't feel bad about it... I'm here.