Thursday, September 30, 2004

SIck, sick, sick.

So here's the thing. I have a cold, a rather nasty one.

It's funny how I look forward to almost any chance to slack off at work, but laying in my bed or on the floor of my house aren't exactly what I had in mind. It's funny how the sniffles, a cough, and fever reduce me in age by 20 years and suddenly I'm seven and all I'm wanting is ginger ale with a straw and my blanky. What stinks is that I am missing work. At work I have to walk around a lot and be outside a bit, but if I had a normal desk job I could tough it out at my desk. So I guess I'll take the chance to redecorate my room, since I had the time to clean it yesterday... Any suggestions? Please, don't leave me to my own tastes as a black velvet painting of Elvis could look mighty appealing in my ill state.

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