Wednesday, October 26, 2005

In the end, I went out the classy route.

Dear Susan, Duane, and Heather,

This is to inform you that I have decided that it is time to move on, and I have accepted a position elsewhere. I am therefore tendering my resignation from your company and wish to advise you that Sunday, October 30th will be my last day of employment at Lovejoy Station and Pearl Court. On that day I will leave any Bowen property in my possession at Lovejoy Station, and would like to cash out any remaining time off that I have accrued. If there is some difficulty in finding a replacement for me, I am open to the possibility of working the weekend shifts (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) until a new night monitor is hired, but you will need to let me know before 10/30/05.
I would like to thank you for the experiences I've had while working for Bowen.


James Wright
Lovejoy/Pearl Court Night Monitor

1 comment:

Jason and Emily said...

quite classy. quite free of profanity. and happy dances.