Friday, April 23, 2004

And in other news, random girl chooses chocolate over man.

IGN is reporting that last night was singles night at a San Francisco Giants baseball game, and a 'The Bachelorette' type contest was held. The winning bachelor was given a choice to either take the beautiful, young, brunette bachelorette out on an all expenses paid date, or receive a Playstation 2. Naturally, the bachelor took the PS2, and 'The men in the audience cheered.'" The article notes: "Looks like when it comes down to a choice between video games and female attention, these days, videogames are winning out."

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sony.

On a strange side note, I am remodeling my bathroom, and am using my father's bathroom... SO I kiped some of his old man hair gel, and I smell like my dad now. I always thought it was a clever cocktail of cheaper cologne than I like + anti-inflamatory cremes... but nope, Dad's smell comes from his hair gel. To be honest, this is really wierding me out.

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