Thursday, June 24, 2004

Death Cab for Cutie: Redux

So, a few people have asked me what the best introduction to DCfC is. I'd recommend getting the album "We Have the Facts, and We're Voting Yes". If you're a suspicious dude like me, and prefer to download a few songs to see if you like it, I'd recommend the following tracks: "Why You'd Want To Live Here", "Styrofoam Plates", "405", "Company Calls Epilogue", "Death of and Interior Decorator". This will probably give you a pretty good idea of what the fuss is all about.

Even though it's a side project, the "Postal Service" album is also incredibly good. It has the DCfC lyrics and vocals sound over kind of an electronica background. I was moderately suprised I liked it.

re·dux (r-dks) adj. Brought back; returned. Used postpositively.

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